Loneliness, fear of abandonment, impulsive self-destructiveness, storminess in relationships, inability to achieve intimacy—these are feelings that we all experience at one time or another. However, for some people, who were emotionally, mentally and/or physically or sexually traumatized in childhood, live with these feelings almost constantly and experience them...
Sexual Abuse
Corporal Punishment: Creates Broken Children and Broken Adults
Worldwide research shows that corporal punishment absolutely serves no useful purpose whatsoever, but, causes untold damage to the individual, and creates broken children, broken adults, physical and mental wrecks, violent abusive, aggressive revengeful adults, wife-beaters and all that adds up to an appalling society that nobody wants.
More Than Five Children Die As A Result of Child Abuse Every Day In the U.S
If a disease killed or maimed as many children as abuse does; the AMA would declare a pandemic; Pharmaceutical companies would be awarded billions of dollars to develop a vaccine or pill to numb the pain or body parts are cut out—and it is a well-known fact—vaccines, pills...
Guest Blog: Child Porn Ring Uncovered Using Stuffed Toy Bunny
Authorities have identified more than 140 young victims so far and say there is no end in sight as they pore through hundreds of thousands of images found on the suspects' computers. They are also trying to determine whether the men who talked about murder and cannibalism actually committed...
Child Sexual Abuse – Penn State Aftermath
“It’s time to heal those who bear the aftermath, and it is time for society to pull their heads out of the sand about sexual child abuse and sex offenders,” says child advocate Dorothy M Neddermeyer, PhD whose book “If I’d Only Known…Sexual Abuse In Or Out Of ...
Guest Blog: Finland: Corporal punishment fades into history
A survey conducted by the Finnish Central Union for Child Welfare suggests Finns’ attitudes toward corporal punishment have changed. Today the physical chastisement of children is generally considered unacceptable.
Guest Blog – Violence Behind Closed Doors Is Harder To Identify
All forms of violent crime take a heavy toll on society, in both tangible and intangible costs. When the violence takes place behind closed doors between members of a domestic relationship, it can be harder to identify, prevent and prosecute.
Guest Blog: Lawyer Warns On Muslim Faith School Child Abuse
A leading child abuse lawyer has warned physical and sexual abuse in special Muslim faith schools is going unreported and unpunished.
Guest Blog: Child Abuse Ruling in the NSW Supreme Court Ups Pressure For Legal Reform
A LANDMARK court ruling in a pedophile case will increase pressure on governments to legislate to enable victims of sexual abuse by clergy to more effectively sue the Catholic church.
Sex Addiction – A Misdiagnosis
Originally the term addiction was conceived and defined as physical and psychological dependence on psychoactive substances (alcohol, tobacco, heroin and other substances). Subsequently, addiction was broadened to include any persistent, compulsive dependence on a behavior or substance. Henceforth, every symptom can be labeled an addiction. AddictionZ Victoria, BC...