Commonalities Among Abuse Survivors

Loneliness, fear of abandonment, impulsive self-destructiveness, storminess in relationships, inability to achieve intimacy—these are feelings that we all experience at one time or another. However, for some people, who were emotionally, mentally and/or physically or sexually traumatized in childhood, live with these feelings almost constantly and experience them to a much higher degree.

No Room For Excuses in Child Sexual Abuse

When stories of child sexual abuse hit the media and the victim is a teenager, or perhaps even a little younger, faulty underlying assumptions about the victim’s responsibility emerge. Many also jump to troubling conclusions when the victim is an adolescent or teenage boy.

Setting The Record Straight – Male Sexual Child Abuse

It is tragic to note that, although Oprah, herself, a sexual abuse survivor, put forth a plethora of misinformation within the interviews with both a professional and the survivors themselves. Dr. Howard Fradkin, who believes men’s sexual identity is unaffected by sexual abuse, is a tragic and unfortunate statement. There is a wealth of research confirming that sexual child abuse impacts both boys’ and girls’ sexual identity and sexual comfortableness.